We provide services throughout Europe, Scandinavia, and the CIS region.  Our more than 18 000 employees face diverse traditions, legal systems, and ethical standards. That’s why our Code of Conduct is so important. It’s a guide for management and employees in resolving problems that arise and knowing how to act in complex situations.

Girteka Logistics Code of Conduct explains the values and standards of business ethics which we apply in all our work. Girteka Logistics Code of Conduct is based on international standards as well as on national legislation.

Sample areas addressed in the Code of Conduct:

– Human rights and employee rights
– Respect for colleagues, partners, and clients
 Fair partnership
 Road safety assurance
 Social responsibility and sustainable development
 Environmental protection and threat prevention
 Honest behaviour and transparent activity
 Compliance with laws and corruption prevention

You can download our Code of Conduct here >>